ServerNest offers 2 types of virtualization: OS virtualization and Hypervisor-based virtualization.ServerNest SIMPLICITY and ServerNest FLEXIBILITY are our two virtualization solutions. A virtual private server (VPS, also referred to as Virtual Dedicated Server or VDS) is a method of partitioning a physical server computer into multiple servers such that each has the appearance and capabilities of running on its own dedicated machine. Each server can be independently rebooted, you have root access!
As part of our managed hosting service, we provide you with a virtual dedicated server that is supplied with a full technical support, setup, maintenance and monitoring services.
The advantages of virtual servers are:
* Economical: no expensive investment in dedicated hardware server
* Maintainability: a VPS can be moved from one hardware server to another within a few seconds: no downtime while we maintain the hardware infrastructure.
* Insulation -- Each virtual private hosting server (VPS) is completely partitioned from one another. A crash or lock up on one VPS has no impact on other virtual servers.
* Performance -- Each VPS receives a specified allocation of CPU, memory, and disk. The environment allows for bursting within reasonable limits, but does not permit one VPS from dominating the physical server's resources. The result is that each VPS receives a guaranteed level of service.
* Security -- Each VPS behaves exactly like a dedicated server, allowing the full security scheme to be utilized with absolutely no commingling of data among virtual servers. For the ultimate in security
* Control -- Each VPS can be administered with total control of all settings using the powerful, yet easy to use multilingual control panel or by direct root access to the VPS via the command line.