Our Vision
“Tailored cloud for business distinction.”
At ServerNest, we believe that your business can differentiate better by making use of tailored cloud services. Making use of standard commodity cloud services will just make your business as good as your competitor.
We will design your IT infrastructure and operate it for you in ISO27001 certified datacenter, following operating instructions agreed with you.
At ServerNest, reliability is not an option; we see ourselves as the ‘3rd’ nine after the comma. ServerNest exclusively makes use of professionally equipments with 24/7 support contract. We proudly partner with Fujitsu and Brocade for our servers and storage equipment. We take the redundancy seriously: our equipment are equipped with redundant power supplies connected to a redundant power network. Our servers connect to the storage over two separate optical fiber network. Our storage RAID disk systems always have multiple spare disks available.
Your data is your asset and we treat it preciously. Privacy is guaranteed all over the chain including destruction of defective data media following DIN 66399