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Sofware-as-a-Service (SAAS) is a way of delivering applications over the Internet, as a service on a subscription basis and centrally hosted. Instead of installing and maintaining software, you simply access it via the Internet, freeing yourself from complex software and hardware management. You can focus on what you do the best: your business!


ServerNest offers various SAAS solutions:

  • Shared web-hosting: ServerNest EQUALITY with a choice of speed model. No fancy packages at ServerNest, everything is included, you decide how fast it should be.
  • Remote Backup: online backup service is a service that provides users with a system for backing up and storing computer files. ServerNest SERENITY is our online backup solution built around a client software program that runs on a schedule, typically once a day. This program collects, compresses, encrypts, and transfers the data to the remote backup service provider s servers.
  • Security web scan: It covers the scanning of known malware and viruses and the reputation monitoring of your website (e.g: Google Safe Browsing List. DNS and phishing blacklist). Our solution ServerNest PEACE-OF-MIND uses a suite of website healthcare services that safeguard your website, helping you prevent, detect and recover from a hacker attack.


Cloud Computing, what is SAAS?Cloud Computing, what is SAAS?



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